Tagged: Wilderness

Fountain and reflections at the Stravinsky Memorial

Where the Queer Wild Things Are

Can wildness be its own way of thinking and knowing? And where should we look to find out? Julia Dauer reviews Jack Halberstam’s wide-ranging new book, Wild Things.

A stop sign scorched from the Hayman Fire of 2002 still marks an entry onto the 9J road in Pike National Forest.

Fire and the Impermanence of Landscape

Photography is both an act of memory and a way to perceive change. For one writer, returning home means facing a landscape transformed by fire, climate change, and time.

Two rainbow colored disco balls hanging from a tree with other trees in the background, photographed from below

Queer Camping, Then and Now

A cultural anthropologist explores how queer camping subverts masculine camping culture and supports new queer identities and communities in the outdoors.