A Firsthand Account of Finding Nature on a U.S. Military Base

2 Responses

  1. Elizabeth Hine says:

    Very interesting way to look at military interaction with nature. I liked it…especially the first hand accounts. Well done

  2. Mel Jenkins says:

    As a more and more dedicated participant in the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, this essay is an excellent way to extend communications and ideas.

    An attuned person in any environment sees, and of course, understands, more than most of us. As a Land Ethic Leader via the Aldo Leopold programs at Baraboo, I am reminded, in this, of the evolutions of Mr. Leopold’s life-long development of his understandings of the interactions of the biotic community.

    Thanks. I hope the writer will continue to add to the thinking of her fellow military associates and to those of us on other paths.

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