Dwelling with Place: Lorine Niedecker’s Ecopoetics

9 Responses

  1. Annis Pratt says:

    Steel does a great job. I am pleased to learn of the field of Ecocriticism as those of us who write echo fiction need someone to take us seriously!

    • Annis–I’m just now seeing the comments here. Sorry for being so late to reply, but thank you! I’ve just checked out your website and am excited to learn more about your work and life in the marshlands!

  2. Phillip says:

    Great research; I really enjoyed your introduction to the field of ecopoetics in the USA. I am an ecopoet from Australia (though I am equally influenced by the fields of post colonialism & place theory). I must read more Niedecker – fantastic!

    • Hi Phillip–
      My apologies for being so slow to see your comment and reply, but thank you! Great to hear from another ecopoet so far afield. I agree wholeheartedly with your impulse to read more Niedecker–the single best place to start is her Collected Works, edited by Jenny Penberthy and published by the University of California Press in 2002. I imagine it may be difficult to get in print in Australia, however, but if you’d be interested in the eBook, I know that’s available at a decent price.

  3. Laura Fast says:

    Wonderfully insightful piece. This was a delight to read.

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