Category: Essays

A composite image of the earth at night

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Darkness is vanishing, and that’s a problem. Historian Kenneth Weisbrode and poet Heather H. Yeung explain how and why we seek out the dark.

Man with flashlight in a field of rotted pumpkins at night.

Plant Monsters Turn Normal Upside Down

Julia Dauer argues that the plant monsters from the Netflix series Stranger Things share roots with 18th-century colonial terror of botanical powers. Unruly vegetation from the Upside Down calls for a wholesale reevaluation of normal in the contemporary US.

A photo of a black metal sculpture, resembling a sea urchin, sitting in a grassy, empty lot along Braddock Avenue.

The Future of Landscape Architecture is TV

Inspired by TV as a medium, Marc Miller’s course in landscape architecture has students make environmental fiction about the future rather than design for the present.

yellow flowers

Uprooting a Renter’s Garden

Gardening while in graduate school and on the academic job market means preparing to uproot, leaving a renter’s garden and broken promises behind.